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What is Kompasi?

Kompasi is a digital tool that connects services from a variety of service providers so that refugees, people seeking asylum and migrants can be signposted to, or directly referred to, the right support.

Kompasi is designed to facilitate the safe and secure sharing of information for referrals to ensure people have their needs met, and service providers can plan and adapt their work.

Kompasi is currently in ‘Beta’ version, the very first version of the platform, which is currently being tested with organisations in Greater Manchester. The team worked closely with Step Change consortium leaders and practitioners to design, build and test the tool over 2023-4.

The current version has a public service directory for signposting available, with a private log-in page accessible to Step Change partners only to test the direct referral functionality.

We are expecting to iterate and improve on this version in close partnership with local organisations so that in Greater Manchester, people feel welcome and can access the support they need as seamlessly as possible.

Kompasi’s primary users are service practitioners for now, although this may evolve as we continue to test and build the tool. It was funded by the Disrupt Foundation, built with CAST and The Developer Society.

Kompasi means ‘compass’ in Esperanto. We hope it allows people and practitioners to navigate, find, and be directed to nuanced support.

More about the team

The team behind Kompasi is a collaborative partnership between organisations in the migrant sector as well as in the social tech sector:

  • Disrupt Foundation - Disrupt, a social justice funder, with a cross-sectional interest in tech, working in the migrant and racial justice space. Disrupt is the lead funder for Kompasi.
  • Centre for the Acceleration of Social Technology - experts in developing digital solutions for the social impact sector. They incubated the product.
  • The Developer Society - experts in the development of digital solutions. Their team developed the tool.
  • Step Change Consortium - the first testing and co-design partner network for Kompasi, a pioneering initiative involving 11 charities and Experts by Experience (EBE) whose collective objective is to create a joined-up ecosystem of support for refugees and people seeking asylum in Greater Manchester.
  • The Data Place - TDP were contracted to help us work through issues relating to compliant, secure and ethical data sharing, helping us to develop the data sharing frameworks in the tool.

The key system challenges of signposting and referral making between time-strapped organisations were outlined by the Step Change’s consortium research report, published in 2023. The idea for Kompasi also arose from conversations Disrupt Foundation had with other organisations and partners around the UK who talked about similar challenges.

Data arising from activity on the platform will eventually help local services generate valuable and concrete hyper-local insights into capacity and resource gaps.

Disrupt Foundation aims to learn from, further test and develop Kompasi over 2024. Disrupt wants to scale and offer this to other migrant justice organisations and networks across the UK, and possibly offer it to more types of service issue areas.

Talk to us

If you have feedback or an update for us on the platform, use the feedback form in the bottom right hand corner

If you’re interested in using Kompasi, please submit an expression of interest here

Want to talk to the team? You can drop us an email at

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