WHAG - Chester West and Chester - Domestic Abuse Service
WHAG offers the Cheshire West and Chester safe accommodation service, this is split across communal refuge, dispersed refuge and community support.
This accommodation in short term temporary accommodation.
Clients stay in their safe accommodation for up to 14 weeks. During that time, support workers will work with clients to look at what changes they want to make in their life, and draw up an action plan to help achieve these.
Clients and their families are supported during their stay ultimately into their own home where if they remain within CWAC they have a further 12 week resettlement support.
As well as support specific to domestic abuse clients can expect support around, housing, health and wellbeing, budgeting, benefits, parenting and education and return to work if desired.
Services include:
• Safe accommodation
• Dispersed safe accommodation & complex needs service
• Domestic abuse group programmes
• Wellbeing Hub
How to access:
To make a referral fill in a CWAC referral form (via: https://whag.info/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/CWAC-Referral-Form-Jan-22.doc) and email it to: cwacrefuge@whag.info (or) cwacdispersed@whag.info (or) cwaccomplexneeds@whag.info
Priority will be given to those referrals with a CWAC connection.
- Advice and Support
- Housing
- Domestic Abuse
185 Drake Street, Rochdale, OL11 1EF
01706 298 222
Service is operating at normal capacity.
(last updated - 27/01/25)
No schedules available.
Immigration Status: All
Region: Greater Manchester
Languages: No information available